Centre4, 17a Wootton Road, Grimsby,
North East Lincolnshire,
DN33 1HE
Tel: 01472 236680
Customer Service Policy
CPO has a straightforward approach to customer care, service and support essentially we treat our customers as we would like to be treated ourselves.
We enjoy good, ongoing working relationships with our clients. Typically, this allows our staff to create friendly and supportive partnerships with all the members of your team.
Clients are provided with telephone numbers for key members of the project team, so there is always someone available to talk to you.
We'll go the extra mile to ensure that your issues are addressed. Typically our offices are open from 8:00am to 4:30pm, Monday to Thursday and 8:00am to 2:00pm Friday (excluding bank holidays). However, we'll always ensure our customers are able to contact staff members by email or mobile outside standard office hours in case of emergency.
Quality statement
Through our commitment to quality and customer service we provide a quality front line service to our customers.
Customers who call our offices will have their telephone calls answered quickly. Personal callers will not be expected to wait for too long and their enquiries will be answered promptly and courteously.
All of our staff takes personal responsibility for ensuring a quality outcome for your project.
We will agree Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for customer care, complaints and targets for completion of work and will honour these commitments to our customers.
Our customers are provided with support by telephone and email, as well as face-to-face contact with members of staff.
Our offices are open Monday to Friday and are fully-accessible to customers with disabilities.
Our main customer care targets are to:
Answer all telephone calls at the first point of contact.
Respond to emails within three working days. Where a substantive response is likely to take longer, we'll send an acknowledgement and explain when you can expect to receive a full reply.
Provide an ongoing support service to our customers.
Managing the process
We track and monitor enquiries to ensure our promises are delivered. CPO will then analyse comments and complaints to learn what can be done to improve our services for the future.
Wherever possible, services will be delivered and supported electronically.
Customer care targets will be integral to the performance management systems of CPO.
Regular weekly meetings will be held between staff and management to maintain service levels and communication.
Ultimately, we aim to provide quality products and a high-level of customer service. By listening to our customers, responding to their needs and meeting their demands, we intend to continue to build on our strong reputation for excellent customer service and after-care.
Customer Service Policy
Version 5
Updated 4th February 2022