Children & Young People
Young People’s Education, Training and Employment Support
Young People’s Education,
Training and Employment Support
Creating Positive Opportunity offer a range of training opportunities for young people aged 11 -19. Our core offer is bespoke learning for those with an EHCP aged 16-19, but we have recently become an EOTAS (Education other than as School) for younger pupils and we support young people who are NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training).
Additionally, our offer includes a programme funded by the National Citizen Service (NCS), which is co-delivered with Young People's Support Service and the much-respected CATCH apprenticeship facility. This gives local young people the opportunity to have practical taster days as an 'Intro to Industry', hoping to raise their aspirations and fill local engineering jobs and apprenticeships. The programme offers careers advice and practical employability coaching.

This project sees a range of support and opportunity delivered to young people in order to avoid anti-social behaviour or being drawn into crime. Creating Positive Opportunity oversee all positive activities across North East
Lincolnshire. We work with the Council’s Young and Safe Team, Compass-Go and We are With You. It is funded through the Humber and North Yorkshire Intergrated Care Board.
Providing specific support for mental health through Compass- Go. Substance and alcohol misuse support is also available as part of the project partnered through 'We Are With You'
Creating Positive Opportunity are with you every step of the way to deliver safe & life-changing support.